Sorry, I corrected some spelling mistakes and, of course, the problem with "i" and "I".
You totally forget about capitalizations, when you mostly type in chat-programs... My bad... Thank the guy who noticed it.
But you can easily mux the new subs with the program "MKVmerge" and the "manual" (Download links on top of the right sidebar of this site).
So, if you care for the new subs, here are the download links for 1-4 (uploaded to zshare.net):
Kodomo_No_Jikan_01_(DVD_x264_AC3)[Loli-pop Subs]v2.ass (Fixed)
Kodomo_No_Jikan_02_(DVD_x264_AC3)[Loli-pop Subs]v2.ass
Kodomo_No_Jikan_03_(DVD_x264_AC3)[Loli-pop Subs]v2.ass
Kodomo_No_Jikan_04_(DVD_x264_AC3)[Loli-pop Subs]v2.ass
There is a problem with epi 1 v2 .ass:
Warning: ssa_reader: Malformed line? (Dialogue: 0,0:07:47.05,0 07:49.55,Default,NTP,0000,0000,0000,!Effect,{\fnComic Sans MS\fs28\c&H2578FF&}Afternoon classes are going to start!)
Warning: ssa_reader: Malformed line? (Dialogue: 0 0:18:14.07,0:18:15.60,Default,NTP,0000,0000,0000,!Effect,{\fnComic Sans MS\fs28\c&H2578FF&}I have to save it...)
Warning: ssa_reader: Malformed line? (Dialogue: 0,0:20:42.53,0:2 :44.92,Default,NTP,0000,0000,0000,!Effect,{\c&HFB944C&\fnComic Sans MS\fs28}Sorry... to have caused you trouble.)
My bad (again). I fixed it. Please, redownload the v2 of the episode 01 subs again.
is it me or am i the only one who notices that there are 2 lines missing in ep01?
It would be better if you'd tell me the time stamps, so i can look for myself and maybe fix it. (If it isn't already fixed with the latest version). Report back.
at 00:18:15 (when kokonoe reaches for the cat)...
seems like the other line was just 2 sentences translated to 1 line or something, i can't find that right now.
also, you should check episode 7 for "you're" - "your" mistakes, i remember noticing something there.
Yeah, you were absolutely right. I fixed the "you're-your" mistake in episode 07 and the missing line in epsiode 01. Don't worry, after collecting all mistakes & errors and correcting them, i'll upload all those scripts (when i'm done with all 12 eps) and you can easily mux them on the videos you already downloaded! Thanks for your help!
Hello, and thanks for doing this!
I found a couple of problems in the ep01 file (playing it with mplayer on Linux).
Line 203: "Dialogue" is missing the 'i'. It says "D alogue" (the first field in the file)
Line 293: The start and end timing are the same, so the subtitle doesn't show up. Since the ending time seemed correct, I changed the start time to: 0:18:14.20
I'll be doing my best to note any other errors. Again, thanks for subbing these!
PS -- sorry if this double posts, it doesn't look like it went through the first time.
There's missing line @ 11:47
If I remember correctly manga she said
"If I would scream now"
Also, in ep03, I noticed:
"since we're here, let's get a seat!" which should be "since we're here, let's get a set!"
in the .ass file itself for ep1
at 0:22:09.84, "Comi Sans MS" should be "Comic Sans MS"
at 0:14:12.93, "Effe t" should be "Effect"
at 0:09:45.32, " omic Sans MS" should be "Comic Sans MS"
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