With no further introduction, here is what it's all about:
I decided to pick up Macademi Wasshoi! as a new project, since the TV broadcast suffered from some censorship. Now, the uncensored DVDs are dropping and we can start the show!
I use the Himatsubushi subs.
Since those guys don't have any site, channel nor email, I can't contact them. Though, they won't be left out in the credits. I'll shout out to them in the last frames of the last episode (the same way I did in KnJ).
The encodes will get softsubs. I'll include 2 different subs. One is with OP/ED Karaoke, the other one without. Since it's all softsubbed (I don't wanna mess around with the encodes, means: No hardsubbing the OP/ED), the OP/ED animations eat up A LOT OF CPU and will show up delayed or slow down the whole video. People with weaker PCs should switch to the "No OP/ED Karaoke" sub and then it should run smoothly.
The fonts are the same as in the Himatsubushi subs. They look fine how they are.
Chapters are included, so you can manually skip to: OP, After the OP, Middle, ED, After the ED (=Preview).
In my opinion, the timing of the original subs was off, so I redid the whole thing. OP and ED will be included and shifted everytime, too.
Some sentences just sound wrong, some will flow better if you change the structure here and there. Names, punctuation, grammar, capitalization, etc. <-- I'll try my best to correct everything.
Mainly, the typesetting is alright. I had to do some work in the first episode though. I'll improve it whenever it's necessary.
I use already encoded DVD-RAWs. My encoding skills aren't worth to be mentioned. I'll work with them as they are. No changes.
Release Pace:
I try to release the encodes to match up with the release of the DVD episodes. This way, we will be finished with the series, once all DVD episodes are released. At the moment, only DVD episodes 1-8 are available.
So, I can't promise anything. After all, this is a one-man-group (solely me, Maciste doing all the work). If real life interferes, there'll be a delay. Bear with it and be patient, I'm trying to do the best I can!
Torrent & DDL:
I'll be seeding a torrent. My current upload speed is slow. Please help me out and seed as much as you can. Later on, I'll try to upload the encodes on Megaupload, after they got seeded enough. One after another. Links will be posted here on this site.
Once this project is done, I'd like to get someone to seed a batch.
If you are willing to help, please contact me: loli_pop_subs @ymail.com
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