Thursday, April 30, 2009

Episode 01v2 coming up!

There, there...
All the whining and crying, cause you want something as useless as Karaoke effects?
Oh sorry, Karaoke is the most important part of a series, I forgot... Without it, what's left?
I just recently realized it, therefore, I apologize to the fullest for this act of barbarism.
I must look worse than Hitler in your eyes! Don't mind, I can understand you guys 100%!
I also apologize for being the only one doing all the work and get nothing but complaints and asshatery out of this.
As a token of gratitude, I shall release a version 2 of episode 1 tomorrow and this time, with hardsubbed Karaoke (BIG UPS TO FlameAttack!). Yes, you've heard right and I bet this news have them "anime geeks crybabies" getting their pants creamed!

Here's some video evidence:

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