Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Kodomo No Jikan 2nd Season Preview/Trailer (Subbed)!

Look at how accurately Kuro-chan is grabbing and holding Aoki's dick!
This reminds me of the "Aoki-Rin-Train"-scene (episode 7), in which something similiar happened and also gave me a "WTF-moment".
(This pic is taken from the last scene of the preview file. For a bigger/better view, watch it there, or simply click the picture, to enlarge it.).

I took Jigenbakuda's TL and made the subs for the preview, now available as a mkv file.

Here's Jigenbakuda's youtube post (Please go there and thank him!):


Here is a download link for the subbed preview file (Loli-pop Subs style):


Domo arigatou gozaimasu! @Jigenbakuda
(With this said, I've reached my wacky weeaboo/wapanese limit for today ;D ).


-=RelakS=- said...

Well ...


The picture from the prewiev in the manga :]

Anonymous said...

She's trying to cut his dick off with those scissors. Isn't it obvious?

MACISTE said...

What's your point?
I know what she's trying to do.
"Obviously" you didn't get what I was aiming at in my post.
Lol, you gotta love smartasses who actually aren't that smart...
Try again (or better: Just let it be...).

Unknown said...

Isn't it obvious?

ISN'T IT!?!?!?!!?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

Obviously we are making shit up.......


Anonymous said...

speaking of making shit up,
she is OBVIOUSLY cutting the other loli's hair

-=RelakS=- said...

maciste, you wrote, that you can't imagine, what Rin did in the train.

But we knew from the 2nd episode, that Rin went after Aoki-sensei to the toilet too, and touched him :]
(and later in the manga she does it again :D )

MACISTE said...

It's about the "visualization".

We know that Rin (apparently) touched Aoki's "thing" in the toilet, but I was referring to the specific (and more than obvious, cause it was clearly visible) scene in the train (which got censored in the TV-version btw).

Anonymous said...

still makes me laugh that this show made it to TV ... gotta love japan