1.) DDL:
Yes, you read it, Direct Download Links, that means: You click it and it downloads, nothing else is needed!
Btw, it's a great site with LOTS OF LOTS OF other anime series to download!
You will love it!
(click "72h", the KnJ files should be listed there (apart from other delicious stuff!) or enter "Kodomo No Jikan" in the search bar.)
Yes, finally, a torrent for all you leechers who cried for it!
Yes, the CRC doesn't match with the files, previously posted for the download on this site.
It doesn't matter, those torrent files are valid too (anidb entry, everything).
So, if you just wanna mux them files with the final scripts, use the thingy in the batch patch post, to maintain the old, (and still) valid CRC.
For all the others, who just waited patiently for the whole thing/batch, don't mind what I've said before, just download this and you'll be fine:
Kodomo_No_Jikan_1-12_(DVD_x264_AC3)[Loli-pop Subs].torrent:
Torrent (FIXED NOW!!!)
So, for all those who already downloaded episode 1-11 off Megaupload, here are the final scripts you can mux to the mkv files, you already got on your HD.
Here is a download link to a manual, how you mux a script to the file you already got:
"How to replace a subtitle"-manual (Zshare)
"How to replace a subtitle"-manual (Mediafire)
Here is a download link to the program you need for this process:
MKVtoolnix 2.2.0
(for Windows NT, 2000, XP or newer)
MKVtoolnix 2.2.0
(for Windows 95, 98 or ME]
And finally, here is the download link to the WinRAR archive with every script available (even episode 12, but you don't have to mux that, cause there's only one version, that means: Episode 12 is already final.) I just put it in there, for the sake of completion.
Kodomo_No_Jikan_1-12_(DVD_x264_AC3)[Loli-pop Subs](Final Scripts).rar:
For all the others, here is a Megaupload download link:
Kodomo_No_Jikan_12_(DVD_x264_AC3)[Loli-pop Subs][FB9F8164]:
What ever client you are using, find out how to "superseed" with it if you are not. Do that until you get to 100%, that way all the pieces will be out there. Google "superseed" if you've never heard of it. Thanks again.
If you download the torrent, upload at least 100% of what you download.
Maciste and I do not have the fastest porn pipes in the world, so we need all the upload bandwidth we can get.
Mr Sanders is wrong.
If you change your .mkv file, the CRC will change as well (thats the whole point of checksum)
I'm not sure about xdelta, but xdelta3 produced ~340kb patch for first ep, using v2 script.
Now, I can make bash script that will patch your .mkv files with new scripts >and< rename to correct names (with correct CRC values in them), but there is no way to change file and maintain CRC (well, you could work out some collision, but that wouldn't be .mkv file anymore, but some binary/whatever trash).
@paziek, for example:
gg released a v2 of their script for a Macross F episode together with a batch.
You have to put all the files in the same foloder, run the batch and you got a v2 of that old file with the same CRC as the old file (the name maintains, no "v2" was added).
Why is there no tracker url in the torrent file? Just wondering...
there should be one, someone who is willing to seed already downloaded the batch off me.
maciste can you please tell me the tracker so I can add it manually? Because mine has none. I see 0 seeds and 1 peer with 0% completion. Thanks
Mr Sanders? Seriously, where did you get that? E-mail is just some random Hanyuu's (from Higurashi Kai) catchphrase.
Anyway, i thought that you would create a patch using a bat that i posted in comments early and upload it somewhere.
Of course, it would be changed, main point was to maintain checksums of v2s between leechers, that downloaded torrent and that used patch.
Anyway, it doesn't matter now as main concept was to release it somehow simultaneously.
Please, remove batch patch announcement as either i failed to explain it to you, or you failed to understand me.
@maciste: then I guess CRC is a crappy checksum, if after changing file it still shows the same value :O
@paziek, I think thats the trick to "pretend" the file has the same old CRC, so it get recognized, despite the changes.
Could you please try to open the torrent via hash?
Tell me if this works.
@anonymous batch patch
There is no announce url in my torrent
Currently seeding at 70 kbps. Thank you Mac for all your hard work, time and effort to bring us people you dont even know this excellent anime. I dont know what to say that can make you feel like it was worth all the work except thank you. Ill continue to seed until it looks like theres no need to anymore. Again, youve done us all a service, thank you Mac.
how did you start the torrent? @saku
If someone told me the tracker, I'd be able to seed a bit too...
No announce url here too. It would probably work for dht aware clients, but that is definitely not right.
I simply downloaded direct to utorrent, and it started just fine. The only problem im having is that, while the one complete seeder is there, I cant seem to connect to him/her. I have about 20 other peers though, and it seems to be working fine.
i use utorrent, but without announce url i dont see no seed, even tho i use DHT
That being said, it doesnt have a tracker at all, so im not entirely sure why its working :/
If I try to open the zshare link directly in utorrent, it says 'invalid torrent'. So how did you do it then?
I use firefox, so when I clicked the download link I had 2 options. Save as, or Open in (put program here). I just opened it in utorrent, no need to save files like torrents
Yes i did that 5 times, always the same result tho... 0 seeds, 1 peer with 0% completion
so, you are currently downloading ? @saku
Ah, forgot that. It would only work for mainline DHT (utorrent and such), azureus won't work.
strange, im with azureus and the giy who already dled the batch is on azureus too...
well then i guess its my fault that it does not work then. first torrent ever that does not. all right gonna wait for megaupload links, cheers
Get it off the DDL site i mentioned.
zshare don't work. Peice of crap. Post torrent to a proper fucking torrent site like TT or Anirena or even Scarywater. Or just use rapidshit. FFS why the fuck are you using that piece of shit zshare?
Why dont you just download off lolipower and STOP YOUR WHINING. The torrent is being worked on as we speak. FS some people are never happy.
Where do one get such a "RAW" file?
Here are scripts to automagicaly update your old KnJ eps. I have used latest scripts posted 2 hours ago. You don't need to have original v1 files, you can even have raws - they just need to have original file names to get their subtitles replaced/added.
If you have mkvmerge: knjfix.7z
For those who don't have mkvmerge installed: knjfix_mkvmerge.7z
All you have to do is unpack those in folder with all KnJ .mkv's you want to update, and then you run fix, like that
From console: ./fix while in the directory (you have to cd into it)
or just double click on the fix file and select Run in console
you can add -q if you don't want to see output from mkvmerge
and/or -c if you want to automagicaly delete old files (.mkv and .ass)
By default they will be moved to new directory (will be created) called old
btw. its UNIX only (linux, bsd, mac?)
@Maciste: No idea, I guess there where u did :P (had to delete and repost in order to edit.. lolz)
my torrent doesn't work >_<
doh.. not deleting any more, heres a ps.
In order to unpack those .7z files, you need lzma
Ubuntu/Debian users: sudo apt-get install lzma
Rest distributions: Dunno, sth similar?
Oh, just in case: After you unpack those, make sure they are together with .mkv files
so if you have .mkv files in
then unpacked stuff should be there as well, not some /media/anime/KnJ/knjfix/ or whatever
The original torrent was DHT only. If you did not have Azureus, you were shit out of luck.
The new torrent doesn't rely on DHT only, it has a real tracking service to fall back upon. Make sure you download the new torrent file, such as the one on Nyaatorrents.org (http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=torrentinfo&tid=27590)
I hate to bother you, but would you possibly be able to upload the subtitle editing manual somewhere else or email me it? Zshare doesn't work for me.
Here you go:
Thank you so much!
Ah, I just downloaded it...I didn't mean the scripts, I meant this:
Sorry to trouble you again.
No problem.
Here you go:
Thanks again.
can someone upload it to megaupload for episode 12? Lolipower banned everyone from Indonesia, I don't know why...really please
what do you mean with "click "72h""?
i dont get it
If you're as stupid as you seem to be and really don't know how to navigate that page then use the torrent. If you don't know how to use that too then you're better off not using computers at all.
Would you say you signifigantly altered Suck Suck Subs scripts? I already have their release of DVD episodes 1-4 and want to know if I can/should skip yours.
You made some kinda odd decisions, like subbing non-verbal utterances like grunts, sighs and screams...and why did you retain the way the Japanese sometimes refer to each other and themselves in the third person?
Simple answer:
I decided to do it this way.
(And believe it or not, I seriously thought of people who are aurally handicapped and might wanna enjoy this series.)
Concerning the "third person" thingy: I thought it fits for this kind of "child anime" (for some scenes).
Long story short:
If you don't like it or find it odd, leave it. No one forces you to watch my encodes/subs.
For the future:
I really don't feel like I have to explain myself anymore. So please, refrain from asking such "odd" questions. Thanks.
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