^^Hmmmmm....delicious Houin.....
Anyway, I will explain what's the problem, when I let others upload a batch torrent:
When I'll post the final scripts, you'd most likely mux them with the video encodes you already got. Therefore, the CRC code will change and it won't match with the anidb entry anymore.
The decision I made was, to upload the batch torrent myself. I'll add everything to anidb and all the CRC freaks are going to be satisified.
Therefore, I can't release episode 12, unless everything is done (Maybe someone would up all 12 "non-finished" KnJ eps, just for the heck of it and that's exactly what I don't want to happen.).
To those who already were willing to upload the whole torrent:
Please, download the torrent and help me seed!
For those who don't care for the CRC code, I'll post a download link for the 12 final scripts only. Don't worry.
The changes I made for the final scripts:
1. Increased font size (not so small anymore)
2. All errors/mistakes corrected
3. Improved sign/note settings
4. Improved timing
5. Additional lines
I'm although working on the final scripts now and even this will take some time, cause, as you know, I'm doing this all on my own. I guess some of you can't even imagine how much work this actually is. Time consuming to the fullest! Therefore, I will explain the procedure for those among you, who still don't understand:
Separate line by line (from analyzing the audio) and check, if it matches by playing the scene/video over and over and over again...
As an example: Every KnJ episode got about 400-500 lines. Imagine: 100 lines take about 2-2,5 hours of work.
Quality Check:
Watch the video and see, if the subs fit/are correct. So, I have to check every video about 2-3 times, to make sure i got all those mistakes/errors (some still slip through), cause, as I mentioned, at least 100 times, before, I'm an "One-man-team". That's why I even invest more time to finish the final scripts, cause I want to have them as perfect as possible!
Still, there's this little thing called "real life" around and it really is an "attention whore", steadily interfering my work, with all its nice, unpredictable and sudden events.
Furthermore, I need some rest of this work, cause you really get sick after watching/working on the same KnJ file for several hours. Besides, this is also needed to get a clean head, to notice all the mistakes in another round of watching it.
So, just endure waiting for them. Unlike other "groups", which just stall or drop the series, you can be assured:
Here, you'll def get all 12 episodes!
You definitely should, at least, get all the final scripts and mux them, cause there are some visible, major changes (like I stated before in this post).
Give me access to the torrent. I should be able to keep the torrent active at 60KB/S while I am at work (9:00 to 5:30 PST) and will throttle it to 40KB/S when I am home.
That will mean that the torrent, on average, should be up 16 hours a day with a minimum of 40KB/S dedicated speed.
That is, assuming, my roomates do not turn Off my PC after they use it in the morning.
PS. the last message was from your loveable ToyBox.
may sounds stupid, but, where can I get the torrent?
I really can't take your comment seriously... Sorry...
id like to have the torrent too
There is no torrent yet. The torrent will be released once all 12 episodes of the series are complete.
Just a suggestion, but maybe it would be better to release a binary patch for already uploaded episodes?
I mean it will save some bw both for people who care about crc and for you, 'cause a lot more would be able to patch what they already have (as long as they have not remuxed or somehow altered original files) and then just jump on torrent as seeders.
For binary patching you could use xdelta and a simple bat file. I just tested it on mkv (230mB) and if only subtitle track had changes, then a patch would be around 10 kB or so (-0 as compression level which is fastest and less memory consuming but worst in terms of size). Of course, it would work this well only if video have not been reencoded. And main advantage is that everyone who would use a patch, would have exactly same file with same crc, md5, sha1 or whatever else that could be used as checksum. If you are interested, i could create bats for both patch creation and patching.
yeah, and bash script, right?
No, thanks. I've already decided to do it this way now and that's it.
What you guys do after i've finished this project and posted the torrent, well, that's up to you. I can't "interfere" then anymore anyway.
Was a little bored, so created those bats and some documentation anyway. It can be downloaded here. To create patches just have original and new files in one dir, unpack zip to that dir, fix filenames in 'patch\knj.txt' and run 'create_patches.bat', result will be in 'patch' dir. Also, there is a much more detailed guide in readme.txt.
I have not used bash for almost 2 years now, and currently i have no access to a linux machine, so it is kind of impossible for me to write anything sane.
Just give this idea a try. It's not like releasing binary patch at the same time as torrent would hurt anyone. Or am i missing something?
I'm not interested in comforting everyone and satisfying every single need of every single leecher (Especially since some of them really got on my nerves recently).
I have enough work to do with KnJ.
If you wanna do it, then do it.
If this pissed you off, then sorry, that wasn't my intention.
Ok, sorry for wasting your time then. If i irritated you with that suggestion or something, then sorry, i really didn't mean to.
And last but definitely not least, thank you for great work on KnJ series.
Well, if you are willing to do the writing for a post, after I released everything, I will def make it.
That means, send me a textfile of what I'm supposed to post (form = common blog post) and I will gladly do it.
Since your knowledge is way deeper than mine on this topic and since I'm fully loaded with KnJ work.
Let me know if you wanna do it or not.
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