Yes, finally, it's over....
What is there to say about the last ep? Nothing special, besides the usual EPIC appearances of George who totally snapped. I'd like to see a spin-off series. Seriously.
The rest, hmm, same old, same old.
Well, let's get straight to a litte quiz I've prepared!

I'm not good at making .gifs, but watch that scene here (5:20 - 5:37) and tell me which famous scence of another famous anime is pardodied here? Ehhhhh? No clue?

You've seen the .gif of the original scene and you have still no idea?
Then mark the blank space here DEATH NOTE, of course! with your cursor, to make the text visible.
Aaaaaaaaaaand, another parody:

Listen to the 2 (same) words which you hear when they show the money stacks (or read the Kanji)!

What's in it for you in case you'll guess it right, you ask?
A slap in your face! Yes, with the back of my hand and not the palm! I know you want it, don't hesitate! Phone me now! (only 5.99$/min). Don't miss out on this unique chance!
At 9:09-9:11

Why is Takuto hesitating!? I'd have jumped on her in a heartbeat! *Sigh*
[Loli-pop Subs]_Macademi_Wasshoi!_12_(DVD_x264_852x480_24fps_AAC)_[08A6FE0B].mkv
(Thanks to Hirohata)
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